Lifestyle Portraits: Mac & Josie

I recently posted this picture of Roswelle. It’s a great picture of her, yes, but the reason it stands out is because you sense what she is thinking. The look of contentment and curiosity in her eyes are absorbed, and it strikes a chord with the viewer as she peers into the camera lens. Yes, beautifully posed pictures are wonderful and there will always be a place for them, however photos that invite you to share in the emotions are remembered most.

This is what keeps me photographing - and freezing those moments is especially easy with toddlers, who have yet to learn to guard their expressions.

I recently went over to my girlfriends house to photograph her energetic 20-month old little boy, Mac, and his younger 3-month old sister, Josie.  This is the story they told:

Want an in-house photo shoot? Let's chat! contact me >>

Family Photos: The Humphreys!

A few weeks ago I took pictures of my good friend Tara, her husband Todd, and their sweet son Jett.

Just over a year ago Roswelle and Jett had their first play date and the weekly meet ups began. As a stay at home mom, I was desperate for more adult connection and to meet a mom that was available during the day too. A prayer was answered when I connected with Tara who had a young baby just 1 month older than Roswelle and lived only a few streets over (key during the winter of 2015)!! Whether it's a walk to our neighborhood parks, museum trips, baby-free breakfasts at McKenna's, or simply watching Ellen while the babies play in the living room, I'm so thankful for their friendship!

She asked me to take their pictures in our local park just around the corner. I was so thankful she trusted me to get at least a few decent pictures! I'm wayyyyyy more comfortable taking pictures of still, life-less things around my home, so this was challenging for me to say the least and I have even more respect for my photographer friends! Todd, Tara, and Jett made it easier being such a fun, loving family. <3