Happy 1st Birthday, Teddy!!

My nephew, Teddy, turned 1 yesterday!! He was born on Super Bowl Sunday in 2016, but because of the leap year, turned one on Tuesday this year. I think it's pretty special he celebrated his 1st birthday, in Boston, on the day the New England patriots won their 5th Super Bowl win!

The party was clearly a Patriots themed party. Tacos, wings, deviled eggs, veggies platters, cookies & cake were served. I brought a few flower arrangements over as well, because even parties for little boys can use a pretty arrangement or two ;)

Go PATS & HBD Teddy!! We love you!

Family Portraits: The Berglunds!

I took pictures of this sweet, loving family back in November, and while I delivered the photos to them well in time for their Christmas cards, I never blogged them! The Berglunds were all smiles, even on a quite chilly Fall day in Boston - we even took a break to warm back up in the car. :) Layla was a trooper and isn't she just adorable!? 

Have a great Friday and weekend, y'all!

Couple Portraits: Joel & Molly

I met Molly and Joel about 2 years ago when they joined us in our living room for a weekly bible study. A warm, talkative - esp Molly ;), and loving couple - Paul and I instantly enjoyed their company. Through those two years they have shared their ups and downs with our community group - the sudden loss of his father, their wedding!, and now battling testicular cancer after only 1 year of marriage. Joel was diagnosed back in November, has undergone surgery, and is currently braving chemotherapy which started less than 2 weeks ago. Molly reached out to me asking if I would take their pictures before facing chemo and most likely Joel losing his hair. Of course I said YES. When a friend is going through something like this, it's hard to find the right things to say or do, taking their pictures was the least I could do for them.

Joel and Molly have been through more than most in the 2 years I have known them, but they continue to hold fast to their faith and each other. They are building a strong foundation for the life ahead them. 

Newborn Portrait: Baby Michael Alexander

Professionally, it was an exciting end to 2016, as I said yes to more and more photography shoots. Through all the experience, I'm learning that my passion lies in photographing newborns. As much as this hobby of mine developed over the past two years, I'm eagerly anticipating even more growth in 2017.

And so, meet Baby Michael! When photographing an 11day old baby, as Michael was, I prefer to go to the home of the baby, where he is in his environment with familiar smells and sights. This also allows the parents to have everything they need to properly take care of their new, little one. Everything about this particular shoot was sweet and soft: adoring parents, baby toes, and a very comfy baby!

Enjoy the sweetness!

Lifestyle Portrait: The Alves Family!

Introducing a wonderfully sweet family, the Alves'! Paul met Mike and his daughter Vivian (Vivi for short) at our neighborhood playground and we have enjoyed getting to know them more and more over the past couple of years. 

The word that comes to mind when I think of them, as a family, is grateful. Mike and Vanessa are grateful for each other and their marriage, and they are especially grateful for their sweet little girl, Vivi. Feelings always show through on the camera, and it was especially true on this sunny, autumn Sunday in Boston.

Cora Rose - One Year Ago!

My friend's daughter, Cora Rose, turns one year old this week! I realized a little while ago that I had never shared her newborn pictures. I decided this week would be better than any to share and take a moment to look back at how much she has changed (for those of us that know her). For the rest of you, here are some pictures of a sweet, celebrated baby! 

Lifestyle Portraits: Mac & Josie

I recently posted this picture of Roswelle. It’s a great picture of her, yes, but the reason it stands out is because you sense what she is thinking. The look of contentment and curiosity in her eyes are absorbed, and it strikes a chord with the viewer as she peers into the camera lens. Yes, beautifully posed pictures are wonderful and there will always be a place for them, however photos that invite you to share in the emotions are remembered most.

This is what keeps me photographing - and freezing those moments is especially easy with toddlers, who have yet to learn to guard their expressions.

I recently went over to my girlfriends house to photograph her energetic 20-month old little boy, Mac, and his younger 3-month old sister, Josie.  This is the story they told:

Want an in-house photo shoot? Let's chat! contact me >> saralaurenw@gmail.com

Senior Portraits - Carson Ellis Weatherford

Wanna know what makes me feel 30? Taking my baby brother’s High School senior pictures. Wanna know what makes my heart wanna burst with pride? Taking my baby brother’s High School senior pictures!

I was 12 when Carson was born and he was immediately my little baby. When we brought him home from the hospital I took him straight up to the nursery and locked the door. He was mine!! My grandmother tells me she almost had a heart attack ;) It's been a unique experience to actually remember my brother being born, him as a toddler, graduating kindergarten, and now preparing to graduate high school. 

Dad died when Carson was only 10 years old. A young man's path can be extremely altered by such a significant loss, but Carson's connection with Dad was so strong that his impact as a father for those short 10 years has remained a grounding contributor to Carson's growth. Our Dad kept a journal, which is priceless to us now that he is gone (I recommend every parent doing the same), and below are two excerpts I thought I would share:

Carson, we are so thankful you were born! You remind many people of our Dad, and I think we can all see why...
Back to the senior pictures: The session went how you would expect between a tired, hungry, “over-it” brother and an annoying, bossy, prodding seeeester. But it worked! Even though I couldn’t convince him to skip through the leaves and his shirt was wrinkled, we still got some great shots! Especially of his classic Carson hair flip. In the end, all he wanted was a good picture with his letterman jacket and his truck, so I think my client is happy.

I’m incredibly proud of him and excited to continue to watch him grown into the man he is meant to be!

Styling 101

One of my favorite hobbies is "styling". My grandfather jokes that hobbies "like those" are just another form of OCD behavior. Maybe so, but I find it to be one of the more enjoyable, relaxing, even therapeutic past-times. When Paul takes Roswelle to the park on Sunday afternoons, you’ll most likely find me at home “styling” our pantry, coffee table, even my closet.

Isn’t that just glorified organizing you might ask? Nope. The reason an organized linen closet looks so appealing in a magazine isn’t because they finally figured out the perfect place to store fabric softener, it’s because it was styled. Every object was strategically chosen and intentionally placed. Geometry comes into play when styling; angles, odd numbers, lines, symmetry, all crucial. Fun fact: I received the Geometry award in the 9th grade, which is telling I think.

We recently purchased a new acrylic coffee table from CB2. I chose the sleek style of acrylic to offset my rather traditional decorating. Gold and Navy go so well together because they are on opposite ends of the color wheel, and the same goes for style. Next time you are making a purchase, consider looking at the exact opposite of what you typically choose. You’ll be surprise at how well it compliments your current decor! The see-through element of the acrylic also opens up our rather small space; every square foot is important in city living. It was fun to have the challenge of selecting the perfect pieces (from around our home) to curate an interesting vignette in our living room. 
I've been using a long wooden cutting board as our "coaster" and it has been working so well! Small bowls of cheerios, sippy cups and cups of coffee all sit together giving my OCD something to smile about. Roswelle is also a little toddler that likes things in their place (wonder why) so she typical complies with the coffee table rules: no climbing, no banging, and putting her cup back on the board. Speaking of Roswelle and the coffee table, she loves laying underneath it and watching TV through it; it's become another great little cubby for her. And her tiny, slimy hands leave plenty of smudges on it all day long, but it's nothing I can't wipe up at the end of the day and doesn't bother me.
I was so delighted to find the little white whicker tray already in my home!! It was turned upside down on the breakfast tray I was using in front of the fireplace (seen here). It's the perfect size and color for the new coffee table and I'm really happy it has curved, circular handles to offset all of the lines. A tray on any table always adds an element of style and forces you to curate an interesting collection. A great rule of thumb that I learned from Emily Henderson, author of the Styled book on the table, is to have something vertical, horizontal, and finally a little mis-shapen piece to tie it all together and for this tray that is the little Jonathan Adler zebra dish.

High School Senior Portrait - Allison Luly

I’ve known this High School Senior since she was born. We grew up on in the same single road neighborhood in the small town of Free Home, GA. Our families have kept in touch through the years - there is special bond of growing up together that just doesn’t seem to fade. While she is most comfortable on the basketball court (she has been offered a full athletic scholarship...), she was more than willing to skip, twirl, and let her silly, lighthearted side shine through!

Declan Rock - Lifestyle Newborn

I will always feel lucky to enter a home with a brand-new baby. The scene is typically the same when I arrive to take photos, the Mom has the "pretty tired" that only a glowing, new mom can exude; dad is being his most cooperative, helpful self; and if there is an older sibling they are so excited for a new visitor! 

Tara and I became fast friends when we got our now toddlers together for their first play-date at 9 months old. I took pictures of her family back in November (see here) and seeing them as a new family of four makes my heart so happy!

What I'm learning as I continue to photograph more and more newborns... 1) your baby will be awake even though he/she slept every day at this time before scheduled photo-shoot 2) your baby will spit up 3) mom and dad will sweat and probably forget to breathe enough 4) there should be multiple breaks for nursing and drinking lots of water 5) every noise machine/fan in the house should be on 6) warm rooms! keep that baby warm and snuggly :)

Welcome to the world Declan Rock Humphreys, I have no doubt you are going to make it a better place.

Living Room Update: August 2016

After our two week vacation on the cape, I returned home feeling refreshed and inspired. I wanted to channel all the sun and lightness from the summer into my home. It didn't take much - just some rearranging of all things white, adding some live greenery, and more reflective mirror action.

After a trip to T.J. Maxx and Marshall's, a climb into my attic and some shifting of throw pillows; my refresh was complete (for now, let's be honest). Nate Berkus suggests taking everything out of a space, and then putting it all back together when you are needing a refresher not a re-do. Even just moving a potted plant from the floor to the mantel can give it a whole new life! details below...
I replaced the large statement clock above the couch with two mirrors. The original plan was to find one long, large, rectangle mirror but when I spotted this pair at T.J. Maxx, I decided a pair would be more interesting but still give the same reflective effect desired. Three mirrors would be ideal, unfortunately a third wouldn't fit on the wall.

I've been having so much fun with this bookshelf ever since I moved it to the living room (read last year's update here). After studying Emily Henderson's instagram pictures and reading her new book - she is my new blogger/designer crush - I realized what my style was missing: greenery! Live plants to be more specific. I had them around the house in corners, but I've never displayed them before. When placed strategically, plants add immediate sophistication and beauty. I'm planning to add some interesting cacti asap.
My new favorite thing is to take off a hardcover book's sleeve. So many books have unusable covers when styling but underneath you will find a beautiful book. When I go thrifting or to yard-sales, I'm constantly peeking behind old book sleeves hoping to find a color I can use in my home. I found all of these white books, pictured above, right here in the house! I scored the silver-plated vases during Paul's parents move. After some polishing, the silver came through brightly adding a nice balance to all the gold I tend to gravitate towards.

Your styled shelf, vignette, dresser, etc should always have personal elements to it. A picture is a great solution but heirloom pieces, travel souvenirs, or memorable gifts take the space to another level. Above is a clock I found in my mom's basement. It was a wedding gift to my parents from a close friend of my Dad's. While it isn't my mom's style anymore, it is certainly mine!! I love that I have a little piece of my parents story in my living room.
Last year, I moved the TV over the fire place. It makes so much sense in our little living room but gosh I missed the gallery above the mantel. Enter: TV gallery. I've seen a few bloggers doing this and thought it was a great solution, especially since we have the smallest flat screen ever. I chose large pieces that can be appreciated without being fully visible.

This plant was sitting in a corner, unappreciated. It was promoted and is thriving high up on our mantel. The sweet little frame is a thrift find and I will never replace the 4-month old picture of Roswelle.
These candle sticks were a wedding gift and were up in the attic because I used to think I could only use them during fancy dinners. But they are the PERFECT solution to balance out the other side of the mantel. Also, I love that they are crystal, which compliments the clock and is a nice change from the typical brass I see so much.
We use our gas fireplace every night in the winter, but in the warmer months it is just an eyesore. I picked up this white whicker breakfast tray on the side of the road two years ago. It has been in my guest room since then but was mostly getting in the way. It's the perfect height for in front of the fireplace and provides storage for current magazines and a basket full of throw pillows and blankets. 

That's all y'all! Hope you enjoyed the tour and found some inspiration for your spaces! 

Be sure to check back this week for newborn pictures of sweet baby boy, Declan Rock! (Instagram preview)

<3 Lauren

Welcome to the world, Christian James

This past Saturday, I had the privilege of capturing photos of sweet Christian James Thalmann. Born on May 31st he is only a few weeks new. A baby brother to his two older sisters, Neive (4) and Jane (18months), he has completed this now family of 5!

I refer to newborn photography as a privilege because I really do feel honored to be asked into a home of a new baby. Laundry is not done, breakfast dishes are not put away, pajama pants are being worn, but there is love bursting at the beams and so much magic to be seen.

I hope you enjoy these, and if you live in the greater Boston area, I'd love to photograph your new baby! you can contact me at saralaurenw@gmail.com. 


Meet Titan Pace Radney

Paul and I met Danelle and Gordon 5 years ago in a neighborhood bible group.  A lot has changed since then, they moved to D.C. and we both now have babies of our own! I was so happy to meet little Titan last weekend while they were visiting Boston, and even happier to take pictures for them. Roswelle's room gets wonderful light during the day so we cleared out a few toys and captured a few special moments. He did exceptionally well, being an alert 9wk old!

Introducing #teddylash

{this is one of my favorite pictures - everyone is playing their roles very well}

On Sunday, Theodore William Lashway "Teddy" was born! These pictures are from day three, when babies are still pretty silent and snuggly. That day was also the first time Maddie met her little brother Teddy! We are all so excited to have a new boy in the family, although I have a feeling Miss Roswelle and Miss Maddie will still rule the roost for a while! 

{juggling two!}

Family Photos: The Humphreys!

A few weeks ago I took pictures of my good friend Tara, her husband Todd, and their sweet son Jett.

Just over a year ago Roswelle and Jett had their first play date and the weekly meet ups began. As a stay at home mom, I was desperate for more adult connection and to meet a mom that was available during the day too. A prayer was answered when I connected with Tara who had a young baby just 1 month older than Roswelle and lived only a few streets over (key during the winter of 2015)!! Whether it's a walk to our neighborhood parks, museum trips, baby-free breakfasts at McKenna's, or simply watching Ellen while the babies play in the living room, I'm so thankful for their friendship!

She asked me to take their pictures in our local park just around the corner. I was so thankful she trusted me to get at least a few decent pictures! I'm wayyyyyy more comfortable taking pictures of still, life-less things around my home, so this was challenging for me to say the least and I have even more respect for my photographer friends! Todd, Tara, and Jett made it easier being such a fun, loving family. <3